Friday, December 12, 2008
This Thanksgiving brings us so much. We are always Thankful for friends and family, love and a wonderful home, jobs and our life. But, it also brings memories of Thanksgivings past with friends we miss dearly, people who will always be a part of our extended family. It was quiet at the Georger house this year ( very unusual.) Our housefull turned into only one other family and I must say it was quite nice. Mom actually got to sit and have a glass of wine. The night was relaxed and low stress. Just what the doctor ordered for this family right now. |We hope you shared your day with the ones you love and if not know they are in your hearts as ours were on this day of gratitude. For goodness sakes just be THANKFUL!
So my Mom has fallen oh.... lets say 6 months behind in my childhood blogging. It is not her fault really I have been a challenge, in the most wonderful way possible. She has just had a lot on her plate. At least she took the darn pictures right? Short re-cap... had a great summer learned to talk in full sentences or may i say "demands" overnight. Went from mommy's boy to daddy's boy back to mommy or daddy; which ever one gives me the answer I am looking for at the moment.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Sweet Summer Days
We have the absolute BEST neighborhood ever, a pool, park, pond with ducks and geese (and goose, I think they are 2 different animals)great neighbors with friends for me to play with; but most of all we have our very own ice cream truck. Sometimes when I am sleeping I can hear the sweet sound of it's music in my dreams and I can just taste that Snoopy Dog ice cream bar.
Causing Trouble
So I begged Mama to do this........

And this happened......

Yeah that would be the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police letting the air out of Bubba's ( grandpa)
4 wheeler tires. The adults made the mistake of teaching me how to start the big red 4 wheeler ( so much more fun than my little one) and I wanted to ride so bad, so Mama took me for a little ride, then Daddy wanted to ride, then Uncle Dave, then Uncle Mike, then the cops showed up...who knew these things were not allowed the grounds. I did tell them I started the whole fiasco and instead of impounding the brand new shiny object of my affection, they loaded it in the truck and let the air out of the tires! Sorry Bubba!
And this happened......
Yeah that would be the Charlotte Mecklenburg Police letting the air out of Bubba's ( grandpa)
4 wheeler tires. The adults made the mistake of teaching me how to start the big red 4 wheeler ( so much more fun than my little one) and I wanted to ride so bad, so Mama took me for a little ride, then Daddy wanted to ride, then Uncle Dave, then Uncle Mike, then the cops showed up...who knew these things were not allowed the grounds. I did tell them I started the whole fiasco and instead of impounding the brand new shiny object of my affection, they loaded it in the truck and let the air out of the tires! Sorry Bubba!
Memorial Day Redneckin'
So my parents finally introduced me to their pre-Sicily, pre-baby Memorial Day Weekend ritual. Camping at the Charlotte Motor Speedway for the 4 days leading up to the Coca-Cola 600 Nascar Race. I only went along because I heard there were race cars involved. I had the time of my life. Unlimited snacks, my buddy Nick ( we put the tent together ourselves as you can see, our Daddies were useless.) Sunshine and room to run wild filled my weekend. Mom took me to Nanas house after 2 days to get some rest in a real bed, really I think she was just tired of chasing me. I had a blast and will be back next year. We are even famous they posted our pictures on the race fans campsite page. Click on this link....
look for the race weekend campers pics, we are the 18th row down. So I now live in SC, am saying yes mam when answering mom 25% of the time and have been to a Nascar Race .
Do you think I might be a Redneck?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Greenville Zoo

So I totally dig the Zoo. I am still talking about the elephants and how Mom, Dad, Nana and Uncle Cameron let me feed the goats. Mom is still reminding I should not have eaten the special zoo crackers you buy at the front to feed the goats, that they are for goat mouths not Colin mouths. Most of all I am taunted by the monkeys. They were having a bit of a wild morning I guess and were making tons of noise, swinging from their cages, throwing ropes at the cage walls etc... So for all you who know me well I am a little timid. Needless to say the monkeys scared the poop out of me. I did not want to walk by the cage, look at them or even mention the word monkey for days. Mom thinks I might be permanently damaged because I am still reminding her of them while making a horrible face now 2 weeks later. She is trying her best to convince me they were just singing to me but I am not yet convinced!
A Good Day

So Nana and my Uncle Cameron came to visit the other weekend, 2 of my favorite people. We kept them busy. Friday night we went to Jazz on Main held in downtown Greenville every Friday night, had dinner and listened to the music. Sat morning Mom, Nana and I got up early and headed back downtown to the Saturday Farmers market. Coffee in hand bread and veggies in the stroller we were off to show Nana, Reedy Falls Park. This place is amazing. We picked some flowers ( mama kind of yelled at me for that, it is a public park and all.) Played Baseball with a stick, checked out the waterfalls, found 2 little boys that would fight over all my sports balls that I brought with me and danced in a fountain. We washed down this fun filled morning with a plethora of bad for you fried foods and sweet tea at Wild Wings Cafe. What a perfect Day!
Lake Livin

One of the things my mom and dad always talk about when reminiscing of their teenage years is how much fun it was to grow up spending every summer at the lake. This was my first lake trip. I kind of enjoyed the freezing water, liked playing with Nick and Emma but I absolutely got a kick out of throwing goldfish crackers in the water and watching them swim away. What can I say I am a simple man, doesn't take much to entertain me! Most importantly, don't I look cute in a life jacket?
Happy Birthday Emma
Family Fest Greer SC
Sunday, April 27, 2008
A Wonderful Lady
This post is dedicated to my Great Grandmother Claire Blue Rowell. Grandma passed away on April 21st at the age of 86. I did not know her very well but she loved me very much and my Mama is very sad. You see my Mom was named after her grandmother and she loved and respected her like no one else. This loss has hit our family very hard. I have no doubt my Mom will share my great grandmother with me as I grow up and I will learn what a wonderful, brave, faithful person she was.
We miss you Grandma God Bless.
Down Time
New Fettish

So ever since my Mom got her new job I decided I needed a change too. I have never given my parents a problem going to bed, they say night night, read books and I go to sleep. Well all has stayed the same except now when they read books I instruct them to close the door, I then promptly remove all items ie: stuffed animals etc.. off my bed, make a pallet on the floor and go to sleep. Never mind you I have a brand new mattress and big boy bed I was sleeping in just fine for the last 3 months. Notice too I am wearing the shorts and pants of my PJ's; that was a battle Mom chose not to fight. Nite Nite
Chores Already

Mom says I am more destructive than ever these days. She is laying the law down. She has gotten really serious about me helping to clean up my messes. One of my new responsibilities is to put my dirty clothes in the laundry basket. Can you tell I am awfully proud of myself. Only problem is there is a shoe basket too and sometimes Mom does not specify. It makes for some crazy mornings before school running around looking for lost shoes.
Rainy Days
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